Wednesday, March 12
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Mermaids and Fire Trucks

Greenport’s 33rd Annual Maritime Festival

Photo: North Fork Chamber

The 33rd Annual Maritime Festival is the highlight of the Greenport fall season! Scheduled for the weekend of September 23-25 and co-sponsored by Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital, the traditional kickoff event is the Land & Sea Gala on Friday evening, September 23. A fundraiser for the East End Seaport and Marine Foundation, the Gala will take place at Greenport Yacht & Shipbuilding Co. at 210 Carpenter Street starting at 5:30 pm for VIP tickets, and 6:30 for general admission tickets. VIP tickets are $225 and General Admission tickets are $175; discounts for Museum members are available for a limited time. Depending upon availability, tickets may be available at the door for $200. For additional information, visit Proceeds from the Gala go to support the East End Seaport Museum (located at 103 3rd Street), the Village Blacksmith Shop (located at First and Front Streets behind the Schoolhouse) and the Long Beach Bar Lighthouse (more familiarly known as the “Bug Light”). Sponsors include Claudio’s Greenport, Porto Bello Restaurant, LiV Vodka and other local restaurants and businesses.

Following the Land & Sea Gala will be a rocking after party at Claudio’s Greenport. Just take a stroll down the street to the Claudio’s wharf for more cocktails, live music and dancing! Additional details available at

Saturday morning is all about fire trucks and mermaids – maybe mermaids on fire trucks? The parade starts at 11 am on Main Street, then continues down Front Street. Participants are all local, including marching bands, bagpipes, fire departments, social clubs, American Legion halls, Girls Scout and Boy Scout troops. After a covid-caused hiatus for the past 2 years, Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program hopes to return to the festival as the sponsor of “The Merry Merfolk Parade”. This parade-within-a-parade serves to raise awareness of the shellfish and habitat restoration work of CCE Marine Program’s Back to the Bays Initiative. Come show your support of our local waters dressed as your favorite sea creature, mermaid or pirate while helping to draw attention to the importance of the marine ecosystem. There’s an awards ceremony following the parade, with prizes for best costume and other categories.
For more details visit

Following the parade, Greenport Village plays host to numerous family friendly events and activities. At the waterfront, see classic wooden boats or participate in kayak races; along Front Street and in Mitchell Park, see wood carving and model ship building demonstrations. Music is everywhere – in the Mitchell Park Bandshell as well as many of the local eating and drinking establishments. Food vendors, high end and local artisanal vendors, children’s activities, arts & crafts, fresh oysters, craft beers and local wines will be available along the streets of Greenport Village. Saturday evening brings music and dancing in Mitchell Park as well as outdoor movie screenings. Don’t forget to take a spin on the historic Greenport Carousel. Rides are $2.50; win a free ride by grabbing the golden ring!

The Peconic Bay Power Squadron — an organization dedicated to safe boating through education — is scheduled to perform safety and other drills on Saturday and Sunday. Also expected are the U.S. Coast Guard with a helicopter rescue demonstration and Irish step dancing performances.

Not interested in all the fanfare of the Festival? Browse the many shops and galleries along Main Street and Front Street. The Nova Constellation Gallery at 419 Main Street features the work of local artist Isabel Haran Leonardi; grab a drink while viewing the latest exhibits at The Gallery Hotel, a boutique hotel located nearby at 439 Main Street. VSOP Art & Design Projects at 311 Front Street features artwork in multiple media alongside a selection of modern and vintage objets d’art and furniture. Other galleries: Roysendpost (18 South Street), Natali/Keyes Gallery (207 Main Street) and The South Street Gallery (18 South Street).