Strawberries are not only delicious but they are versatile as well. When planting Strawberries we like to utilize the method of container planting. As a perennial plant, Strawberries if put in the ground will continue to spread in the area you choose to plant them. When you grow Strawberries in a vessel or hanging basket you get the joy of keeping them contained and enjoying their harvest. There are few plants that say summer quite like a Strawberry. We enjoy them on salads, making them into jams, infused into a cocktail or just as a daytime snack. Hoping this DIY planter inspires you to add Strawberries to your garden this year. Enjoy!

Step 1Gather your Supplies

• Three Terra Cotta Dish Planters. (I used three    different sizes: 8.5”, 10.5” and 14.5”.
• Organic Potting Soil
• Gather your Organic Strawberry Plants
   (For this container I used 8 Plants)
• Granular or Slow Release Fertilizer
• Garden Gloves
• Watering Can

Step 2
Fill Your Container

Start by placing a piece of mesh or a piece of old screen over the holes on the bottom of the planters. This will prevent dirt from falling through. Next fill your vessels up ½ of the way with your Organic Soil. 

Add in your Fertilizer

According to the directions on the back of your fertilizer add your fertilizer to your soil. I like to sprinkle it on top of the soil and use my hands to thoroughly mix it in.

Step 3
Transplant your Strawberries

First stack your planters on top of one another to mark out the available space to transplant Strawberries into. To transplant your Strawberries you will want to remove them from their pot. Once removed you can gently squeeze the root base to release them. Place your Strawberry plants around the edge of the terra cotta dish making sure that the roots are completely covered by the soil. Water, water, water!

Step 4
Place your planter in a spot with full sun and make sure it is well watered. You can fertilize your planter with an all-purpose fertilizer according to the instructions on the fertilizer. 

Here are the three types of classifications and some more common varieties of Strawberries.  
Everbearing – These will produce fruit throughout the entire growing season — a smaller delicious variety. As long as there is around 12 hours of daylight they will begin the production of berries. Types of Everbearing: Merlan, Loran, Alpine, Tarpan (great for containers)

Day Neutral – These produce fruit 3 times per season or 3 sets of fruit: June, July & August. Types of Day Neutral: Albion, Elsanta, Elan

June Bearing – These produce fruit in one set, in June. The harvest of June Bearing Strawberries tends to be a more bountiful harvest than the other varieties. Types of June Bearing: Tillamook, Northeaster, Honeoye, Jewel

Jennifer Neubauer can be found in her East End garden year round. She documents her journey on her urban homestead with tips and education through her Instagram feed. Jenn works privately as a Garden Coach mentoring her clients by guiding and supporting them to create and manage edible and pollinator friendly gardens. You can contact her and journey alongside of her through her Instagram feed @hookandgarden