In Full Bloom
There is a human desire to capture the flower’s bloom at its fullest glory.
Layers of the Human Experience
For artist Gavin Zeigler time is not necessarily linear but layered.
Open Mind
Naomi Clark embarked on her artistic journey by thinking outside the box, literally.
Night Swimming
Artist Estefany Molina has a very deep, soulful connection to her work, a profound understanding at age 31.
Art for Change
How do you keep your humanity in circumstances that are inhumane? For Hope Sandrow the answer is art, and specifically art as a catalyst for change.
From Farm to Tableau
Sometimes, second acts in life are the most exciting.
The Art of Kelly Franké Goes with the Grain
Michelangelo has a famous quote of his ability to look at a piece of marble and envision what it could become, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”
Takin’ It To The Street
Jayson Silvanovich and Yoko Tomita combine creative forces to engage audiences and make them think outside the box. Or just make a super cool …