Saturday, September 07
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Simone Massoni + Corcoran

SItalian illustrator Simone Massoni joins The Corcoran Group’s creative lineup with a series of clever drawings that get to the heart of New York City, the East End, and South Florida. His work has been published in top publications including Vanity Fair, GQ, and The New Yorker. Drawing his interpretation of the Corcoran personality in a series of smart spot illustrations, these works add to the company’s notable brand image.

“Simone’s work shares the spirit of Corcoran in so many ways. It’s colorful, playful, but sharp,” said Christina Chuo, Corcoran’s Senior Creative Director, in an online article. “His style complements our brand perfectly.”

The Corcoran Group is known for their expertise and results-driven business smarts, though their brand campaigns have made them stand out further as well. Working with renowned creators like photographer Annie Leibovitz and artist Kari Modén, the company has taken a different and engaging approach to defining their brand. Massoni is next in this conversation, and his work began debuting on The Corcoran Group’s social media handles in December 2018.